How do I schedule appointments for a parent that already has an account?
- Click the Schedules link from the menu.
- You will now see a list of registered users for your school. Locate the parent you are adding appointments for from the list.
* You can quickly find a parent by using the Search For User link. - Once you have found the parent from the list. Click the Add Appointments link next to their name.
- You will now see a list of the children added to this parent's account. If this parent does not have any children added to their account you will need to enter some information about this parent's children, when done click the Continue link.
- * If this parent has more than 1 child attending your school check the I want to add another student checkbox to add another student.
- When you are done adding students you will see a list of the children you have added for this parent. Select which students you would like to make appointments for and click the Continue link.
- On the next screen you will see a list of available dates. Select the date on which to schedule appointments.
- Now select from the list of teachers which teachers to make appointments with. Click the Continue link.
- On the next screen each teacher will have a drop-down box with a list of their available times listed. Select a time to reserve for each teacher, then click the Continue link.